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Recipes from Central Greece


 Koulouri with tahini and honey

For the card

500 g hard flour

50 ml of olive oil

water as long as it gets

1 tbsp. salt



500 g sour or sweet trachana

1 lt milk

4 eggs

300 g feta cheese

50 ml of olive oil

100 g fresh onions

100 g pork fat

1 tbsp. salt

n a bowl, sow the flour sifted, olive oil and salt.Incorporate the water slowly until it becomes a dough.  Cover and let the dough rest for about 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Then divide it into five parts and open the roller with each sheet individually. Boil the milk in a saucepan and add the trachana, stirring constantly on low heat.When the trachanas are boiled, remove the pot from the fire and add the grated slice and the onions finely chopped and pork fat.Add the eggs, salt and mix thoroughly until all ingredients are incorporated with trachana. In an oiled baking pan, lay the three leaves, smearing each one individually.Place the filling uniformly. Cover with the rest of the cards. 10. Bake for about 60-80 minutes.

Chocolate Pie

1 ½ fl. tea flour that inflates itself

250 g butter vitamin

¾ fl. tea cocoa powder

2 fl. tea sugar

¼ fl. tea, sweet drink (liqueur or some sweet wine) 1 vanilla

5 eggs

Melt the butter on low heat in a medium pot. Add the sugar and gently stir with the wire until the mixture is homogenized. Then add the cocoa and stir. Add a cup of boiling water tea. If you have some sweet wine, try it and you will remember me, and you could use some liqueur just as long as it tastes good with chocolate.) From the mixture that we made, put aside a cup for the syrup of the chocolate pie after baking.

In the rest of the mixture that has been left in the pot, add the vanilla, the 5 eggs that we hit well before in a bowl, and the flour. We do not forget to stir with the wire continuously. When the mixture is homogenized - it must not be too tight or very fluid -, we pour it into a buttered baking pan. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Beware of times because every oven has its secrets. After the chocolate pie comes out of the oven, we cut the pieces well on the baking dish and slowly pour the cacao mix that we hold aside. Let cool and serve either plain chocolate pie or ice cream.




Hello! We are MarSof and those are recipes from all over Greece.We are students from B1.

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