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Recipes from Macedonia

Sweet Mpougatsa

1 package of crust sheet
1½ liters of milk
200gr. fine semolina
200gr. sugar
Two vanilla
180gr. milk butter melted
1 pinch of salt

Put the milk, semolina, sugar and salt in a pan. Let them boil over moderate heat, stirring continuously with wire until it becomes a smooth cream. Finally we add vanilla. Remove from heat and add 2 tablespoons of butter. Mix and let cool.
Butter the baking dish and spread the 7 leaves crosswise, melting them with a little butter melted. Pour the cold cream into a thin layer. Turn the leafy leaves over to the cream. Cover with the remaining sheets while brushing well with the brush. Close the leaves as if closing a folder.
Bake the broth at 200 ° C for about 30 minutes in the air to brown a material to a greasy material until it gets reddish-brown.] Well, the sheet and if we have a size-sized baking sheet just after the leaf is browned on one side, we turn it on and off another.
Serve with powdered sugar and cinnamon.
If we want, we can just make the bougatsa wrap it with labels and transparent film and store it in the freezer. When we get it out of the freezer, we'll just let it thaw and bake it normally like fresh.

Prasokimadopita Macedonia

600 grams of mixed pork and beef
750 g leeks chopped
2 big onions finely chopped
400 grams of grained cabinet
black pepper
1/2 cup olive oil
50 g of fresh butter
5 corncobs for corn flour pie
2 village leaves 

for the porridge
1 cup of all-purpose flour
1/2 cup olive oil
3/4 cup water



​1/2 cup olive oil
5 pieces of fresh butter

In a pan, add the olive oil and saute the onions and leeks until they are polished.Add the fresh butter and minced meat to chunks and continue the salvage until the liquids are saved.Put pepper and nutmeg and a little salt.We make the porridge stirring the flour with water and olive oil. It must not be too thick.Bake the baking pan and lay the whole sheet down. We leave a little to protrude from the sides. Lean a little with the porridge and put one of the corn leaves in the same way. Pour in addition to the porridge and minimal olive oil. Continue with two more sheets of whole and one corn making the same process.Put half the mixture of leeks with mince and over half of the head-saw. Place a sheet of corn in between, and put the rest of the filling and the rest of the head-saw.We begin to turn one of the pieces of the sheet that protrude from the pan by spraying them with a porridge and dropping some oil. We should cover our pie for most of it.Finally, add two more sheets of corn with porridge and pour as much porridge on the top of our pie.Cut into pieces and put the pieces of fresh butter.Bake for 1 hour and 10 minutes in a preheated oven at 200 degrees in the air.



Hello! We are MarSof and those are recipes from all over Greece.We are students from B1.

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