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Recipes from Ipiros


 Koulouri with tahini and honey

500 g of all-purpose flour

14 g dry yeast (2 sachets)

25 grams of sugar crystalline

250 g of warm water

50 g butter not margarine

2 tahini

10 g of salt


For the pulp:

500 ml of water

1 hg of honey (to make it crispy and extra savory) 300-400 g about sesame seeds

Preheat the oven to air at 230 dots. In a refractory bowl, warm and lightly soak the butter, tahini and salt. Mix well to homogenize the materials.In a deep dish, pour the flour, sugar and yeast. Stir with the spoon the ingredients. Add 250 g of warm water and stir. Inside our slurry we also add the mixture with melted butter, salt and tahini.We knead very well with our hands until we get a uniform dough that does not stick to the hands. You will not need more flour as long as you knead well. Cover with a towel and leave for 30 'in a warm place to rest and inflate slightly.Cut our dough in 10-13 balls of about 70 grams. We fancy long sticks. And tie their edges well (join the edges to avoid opening when baking) creating a bun. You can of course give whatever shape you prefer. Season them on the counter until we prepare the water and the sesame seeds. Let's take a large bowl of water and dilute the honey. In another bowl or bowl part of the sesame seeds. It is advisable to add a little bit of sesame at a time, because after a few buns and after being wet with water it will begin to mud. So refill freshly every time in the pot.We quickly roll the buns into the water with the honey and then the sesame on both sides. We sort them on sheets that have been laid non-stick paper.Bake for 20 '-25' (depending on the oven) at 200-230 degrees in the air until they get a nice warmed color. Allow to cool well.We enjoy the whole day combined with other goods of your choice. Good pleasure

Milk Pie

For stuffing

2 large cups of fresh milk

5 spoonfuls of raw meal

7 tablespoons of sugar

2 tablespoons of cow butter

1 tablespoon of liqueur orange


For dough

0.5 kg of flour 

2 tablespoons of oil

a little salt

some sugar

lukewarm water

0.5 cup almost melted cow butter for kneadin

Put in a bowl of 3/4 of the flour the oil-sugar-salt and pour the water until we make a pretty tight dough, not much to knead.    Then we open it a bit with our hands and spread a little of the melted butter.    Fold it down and knead it a little again and do the same again until all the butter is put in. If we do not see it very much, and if it hangs a little on the bench, add a little flour still.    Leave it covered for a while. In a saucepan, put one cup of milk to burn, and on the other, dissolve the flour and pour it in. Stirring continuously with a wire until it boils.Remove and add the butter and the liqueur. Let cool. We prepare a tray and begin to open leaves. Put 4-5 leaves as thin as possible by lubricating each other and protruding from the pan.Pour the cream and spread it and turn the edges of the leaves. Every time we grease and sprinkle sugar and cinnamon. The same in the last one and put it in the oven.Bake at 170 degrees for 50 minutes with one hour, until it browns well up and down.Remove it and, after cooling, cut into small pieces and serve it



Hello! We are MarSof and those are recipes from all over Greece.We are students from B1.

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